2025-02-11 00:00 ~ 2025-02-18 00:00 (KST,PST+17)
- Notice
- - This event is subject to change or may end earlier due to our circumstances.
- Free gifts will be offered based on your ACTUAL PURCHASE AMOUNT (excluding shipping fees & GST).
- Free gifts are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
- The stock is limited.
- Free gift event period: 2025-02-11, 00:00 ~ 2025-02-17, 23:59 (KST)
[Free Gifts]
1) All customers who purchase BRAND espoir will receive the following free gifts.
- espoir Be Glow Foundation 10 color Shachet
- espoir Dewlike Jello Glowrizer 1.5ml
2) Customers who purchase over US$35 will receive the following free gifts.
- espoir Be Glow Foundation #3C Wedding Peach 7g
- espoir Mesh Bag
3) Customers who purchase Be Glow Foundation or Be Glow Volume Cushion will receive the following free gifts.
- espoir Winter Flash Photocards (4P)
- espoir Nowear Tint Stick #redromeda (full value)
* These gifts are available whether you purchase a single item, a set, or a regular item (excluding Flash Glow Edition products).
4) Customers who purchase Couture Lip Tint Glaze will receive the following free gift.
- espoir Couture Lip Gloss Mini #glacier
- - This event is subject to change or may end earlier due to our circumstances.